Lunch Menu

A white background with a black and white logo

Cedarbrook 2020 Weekly Lunch Menu! 


Mondays : 2 slices of cheese pizza, & 1 drink

Tuesdays : 6 piece chicken nuggets, french fries, & 1 drink

Wednesdays : 1 cheeseburger, french fries,  & 1 drink

Thursdays : 1 chicken sandwich, french fries, & 1 drink

Fridays : 2 slices of cheese pizza, & 1 drink


As a reminder, you still have 3 options for lunch. 


Option # 1: Bring Lunch from home

All food and snacks brought from home MUST BE 100% NUT FREE.

Option # 2 : 5 - Day Lunch Option for $25 per week

Option # 3 : A la Carte Lunch Option for $6 per day

If you are purchasing the A la Carte option, you MUST select it via your CampmMinder account by 9:00pm the night before. 


Campminder Lunch Purchase Directions

Log in > Go to 'Forms and Documents' > 'Additional Options' > Click the drop down for the Cedarbrook Lunch Plan Options > Make your selection > Be sure to press 'submit' at the end. 


Lunch Schedule is Subject to Change.