Cedarbrook Somerset

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A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo

Cedarbrook Day Camp is located on 27 beautifully wooded acres in Somerset and combines an excellent facility with a mature staff and an outstanding program to offer a camper a fun and unforgettable summer camp experience.

At Cedarbrook Somerset, we have every imaginable activity right here!  From shaded groves, to Winding Brook, campers are immersed in a beautiful, natural setting. Our pristine playing fields, swimming pools, spray park, basketball courts, ga-ga pits, arts & craft facilities, air-conditioned game rooms, miniature golf course, and so much more. We offer every conceivable option for summer fun!


A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logoOver 20,000 Sq. of Air-Conditioned Activity Area.

A white background with a black and white logo3,500 square feet indoor sports and multi-purpose facility

A white background with a black and white logoLarge T-shaped with 5,225 square feet of swimming area.

A white background with a black and white logoA white background with a black and white logo Kiddie pool which slopes from a depth of 6 inches to 18 inches.

A white background with a black and white logoChanging room facilities with showers.

A white background with a black and white logoPool Side Furniture

A white background with a black and white logoSplash Park

A white background with a black and white logoWater Slide

A white background with a black and white logoPicnic Area

A white background with a black and white logo6 regulation sized tennis courts.

A white background with a black and white logoMulti sports fields and shaded areas designed for children. Our fields, spread out throughout our campus are for baseball, softball, soccer, field hockey, flag football, and lacrosse.

A white background with a black and white logo4 Outdoor Basketball CourtsA white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo1 Indoor Basketball Courts

A white background with a black and white logoBaseball & Kickball Diamond

A white background with a black and white logoArchery Range

A white background with a black and white logoLegos Room

A white background with a black and white logo2 Four-Square Courts

A white background with a black and white logoA white background with a black and white logo 9 hole miniature golf course

A white background with a black and white logo1 Volleyball Courts

A white background with a black and white logoAir Conditioned Arts & Craft Center

A white background with a black and white logoAir-Conditioned Video Game Room

A white background with a black and white logoPedal-Kart Track

A white background with a black and white logoBack Yard Games Area

A white background with a black and white logo2 Gaga Pits