Entering Pre–School-KDG


This program is for campers ages 3 - 5. Pioneers are the youngest campers in the Cedarbrook family. All campers must be toilet trained. Head counselors in each group (many are experienced moms) are keenly aware of the needs and energy levels, both physical and social, of these V.I.P. campers.

Cedarbrook offers one of highest staff to camper ratios to ensure the proper care, attention and developmental support is given to each child. Socialization, fun, learning new skills, building self-confidence and making new discoveries happen every day. There are loads of fun activities and they keep the biggest smiles on the littlest faces!

Pioneers are in constant care and supervision of our experienced adult and collegiate counselors. As a result, they are carefully watched and nurtured in a fun and safe environment. This program offers a perfect blend of growth and adventure. Cedarbrook is a place where campers are given the chance to be the BEST that they can be!

A white background with a black and white logo

Junior Camp Program Options:

Mini-Day Program (for entering Nursery and Pre-K): This program begins at 9 am and ends at 1:30 pm. This enables campers to end their day earlier, spend afternoons with family and share their amazing day at camp. Mini-day campers have an swim/water play period each day.

Full-Day Program (for entering Nursery, Pre-K & Kindergarten): This program begins at 9:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm. Campers in this program receive an instructional swim period each day and a recreational swim period in the afternoon as well.

What a Typical Day Looks Like? **

** Schedule Subject to Change