New Camper Special

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A white background with a black and white logo

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A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo

A white background with a black and white logo


A white background with a black and white logo

Lunch Pass* - $320 8-weeks Entire Summer! *

Lunch 5 days per week: $40.00 per week *

Lunch per day: $8.00 per day

Before & Aftercare **

Beforecare: $35/Week

Aftercare: $35/Week

Before & Aftercare: $55/Week

** Families with multiple children only pay for the first and second child for before and aftercare!

Our camp day runs from 8:45 am until 4:15 pm
The Mini Day Program (for ages 3-5) runs from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Before-care begins at 7am.
Aftercare ends at 6:30pm.


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A $400 Deposit is required to Register your Camper

A white background with a black and white logoA white background with a black and white logoA $50 registration fee for each application submitted.

A white background with a black and white logoYour deposit is applied towards your total balance.

A white background with a black and white logoAll deposits are refundable until January 7th, 2025.

A white background with a black and white logo50% of total balance due March 15th.

A white background with a black and white logoYou may get a FULL REFUND for any reason prior to April 15th, 2025! - this does not include your $400 deposit after January 7th, 2025.

A white background with a black and white logoAvoid waiting list.

A white background with a black and white logoIt's your choice how to pay! Pay in two installments or in full.

A white background with a black and white logoFinal Camper Balances must be paid in full by May 15th, 2025.

A white background with a black and white logoYou can also pay balance in full upon registration.

A white background with a black and white logoA white background with a black and white logoNeed to make changes to selected weeks later in the year? As long as there are still openings, we will be happy to switch you camper(s) registration to a different week.

A white background with a black and white logoHassle Free changes and updates

A white background with a black and white logoSibling Discount: Take 6% off your tuition for your second, third, and fourth child. 

A white background with a black and white logoBefore and aftercare are optional.

A white background with a black and white logoREGISTER NOW - LIMITED SPACE!