Campers at camp are prohibited from using any electronic devices like phones, cameras, or recording devices to capture video or audio of other campers while they are on camp grounds; essentially, no filming or recording of fellow campers is allowed with electronics devices
We do not allow parent visits during the camp season. For the safety of our campers, parents, and visitors are not permitted on any of the Cedarbrook Day Camp's facilities during normal camp hours. You can contact us to schedule a personal tour on off camp hours. Parent's are allowed on campus for emergency purposes only - such as an ill or injured camper.
Days missed due to injury, illness or any other reason may not be made up and will not result in a credit or refund. In case of severe weather, Camp may be cancelled. There will be no refund for the canceled camp days, however a credit will be applied to your account for future camp purchases.
No one may take a camper out of camp without signing that child out at the Camp Office. Any adult picking up a camper must be on the "Authorized Pick-Up List" we ask you to create at the time of the child's application.
Cedarbrook understands that, on occasion, you may need to pick up your camper early before the camp day ends. In this case, parents are asked to please inform the office or the front desk 3 hours (if possible) before an early pick-up. This allows communication to be sent to the counselors so that they can adjust the campers schedule as needed. Early pick-up can occur anytime during the day until 3:00pm.
We Discourage Early Pick-up between 3:00 and 4:00pm. During this time, campers are in the transitioning process; starting/ending activities, changing rooms/locations, participating in end-of-day wrap-up, etc., making it difficult to gather individual campers for dismissal after 3:00 pm. Except for emergencies, camp staff may not be available to gather campers for last minute, unplanned early dismissal. If, however, you must collect your camper during this time, be advised that there may be an extended wait time.
Staff shall not socialize with children enrolled in Cedarbrook programs
outside of approved Cedarbrook activities, including babysitting or
transporting children. Immediate disciplinary action will be taken by
Cedarbrook Day Camp toward Cedarbrook staff if a violation is
The New Jersey State Youth Camp Safety Act and the American Camp Association require every camper to have an up-to-date medical form signed by a physician. Medical forms for the 2025 season are due to camp by May 15, 2025. Your child does not need a doctor's exam just for this purpose. The doctor can fill out our form based on any physical done any time after May 15, 2025. A parent/guardian must authorize Cedarbrook Day Camp to treat your child if he or she is sick or injured at Camp.
If you would like to tip your child's counselor, we ask that you delay gift giving until your campers enrollment has ended.
No food from home is allowed for camper birthdays, but you may send in goody bags with non-edible items.
Cell phones and any other communication devices are prohibited at camp.
We understand your desire to make sure your child is having fun and being well taken care of, however, cell phones and any other communication devices are prohibited at camp. In emergencies, campers can be reached by parents/guardians utilizing the site phone and/or Site Director's camp cell phone. Campers may use these same phones if parent/guardian must be contacted.
Disregard of this rule will result in confiscation of the device - to be returned at the end of the day.
The cell phone policy is a standard practice in numerous camps. Camps aim to provide campers with an environment that fosters healthy social interactions and the opportunity to enhance their confidence and independence. They have observed that electronic devices can disrupt and even undermine a child's camp experience. Many camps prohibit the use of cell phones to create an environment free from electronic distractions and to steer young individuals away from the constant influence of technology. The use of these electronic devices might prevent a child from bonding with fellow campers or lead them to overly rely on their parents.
So while there are very good reasons for a camp to adopt a no electronics use policy, it is important for parents to understand what everyday safety planning steps can be implemented. (The advent of cyber-bullying has added another reason for camps to limit use of electronics).
Every camper at Cedarbrook should feel physically and emotionally safe. Fighting, cursing, bullying, verbal intimidation, or any inappropriate behaviors are NEVER tolerated at camp, on a camp bus, or a trip. A safe and friendly atmosphere is the responsibility of everyone at Cedarbrook.
1st Offense
Verbal warning (depending on the severity, several warnings may be given)
2nd Offense
A meeting with the counselor, camp coordinator, and Camp Director to discuss the behavior. Parents will be notified. The behavior will be documented. (This may occur immediately without warning for serious infractions.)
3rd Offense
If a disciplinary problem cannot be resolved, or if a camper has recurring issues, the Camp will request a meeting with parents, and campers may be suspended. If a camper cannot change his/her negative behavior, or if it is no longer in the best interest of the camper (or other campers) for a child to remain in Camp, the camper will be removed from Camp. The suspension will be in effect the first day following the offense. Upon return from a suspension, if a behavior continues, the Camp Director may permanently suspend the camper.