Tuition rates are based on your child's schedule. We offer 3-8 week schedules. In addition, we offer a 3, 4, or 5-day option for campers in grades 1-9 and mini-days for campers ages 3-5. If you have any questions, please call the camp office at (732) 595-5458. Click here to see our Tuition Rates and Click here to Enroll Today!
As a reminder, day camp tuition is eligible for child care/dependent care reimbursement through your employer or as a straight deduction on your taxes. Most camp families take advantage of this and many pay less than 50% of their tuition out of pocket.
No problem. You can register now and change your enrolled weeks up until June 1 with no additional fee.
Our camp day runs from 8:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.
Yes! Our before care hours start at 7:00am and our aftercare hours start at 4:30 until 6:30 pm.
Rates: $35 for either before or after care per week or $55 for both before and aftercare per week. As an added bonus we only charge you for the first and second child.
We keep camp tuition low by allowing parents to drop-off and pick-up at camp. Camper transportation TBA.
At Cedarbrook we focus on keeping our groups small. All counselor to camper ratios are mandated by the state of New Jersey. Younger campers have a lower counselor to camper ratio. As children grow older the ratio will slightly increase. Campers are grouped based on the grade they are entering in the fall.
Our counselors are enthusiastic young adults and teachers. Our counselors are always helping and encouraging campers to discover new talents. They come to us with backgrounds in teaching and coaching. All of our counselors are supervised by certified teachers. The teachers meet with their staff throughout the day to observe, distribute information and address any camper concerns. Our counselors are teachers, college students, or high school seniors. High school juniors are hired as junior counselors.
We have a full time registered nurse/licensed nurse practitioner, as well as an athletic trainer with a valid certification from the BOC and Instructor level American Red Cross First-Aid. Additionally, several of our counselors and staff have First-Aid and CPR Certifications.
We offer a full-day program for ages 3-15 (entering 9th grade).
In addition, for campers ages 3-5 (entering kindergarten) we have a half-day option. Campers in grades 1-9 have a 3, 4, or 5-day option. These campers may also participate in our trip program!
We also offer a Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program for campers entering 10th grade.
Yes, all campers attending Cedarbrook Day Camp must be potty trained and able to use the restroom with minimal assistance.
Yes. Take 6% off your tuition for your second, third, and fourth child (fifth child is free!). The discount will automatically be deducted by our office and reflected on your invoice when paying your tuition.
Every day at Cedarbrook is special, and our summer calendar of events will keep you on track! In addition to our daily activities we have a huge weekly event that is wild, wacky and loaded with fun! It drives the parent's a little "crazy" but the kid's love it!! Click here to see our Special Events Calendar.
Cell phones and any other communication devices are prohibited at camp.
We understand your desire to make sure your child is having fun and being well taken care of, however, cell phones and any other communication devices are prohibited at camp. In emergencies, campers can be reached by parents/guardians utilizing the site phone and/or Site Director's camp cell phone. Campers may use these same phones if parent/guardian must be contacted.
Disregard of this rule will result in confiscation of the device - to be returned at the end of the day.
The cell phone policy is a standard practice in numerous camps. Camps aim to provide campers with an environment that fosters healthy social interactions and the opportunity to enhance their confidence and independence. They have observed that electronic devices can disrupt and even undermine a child's camp experience. Many camps prohibit the use of cell phones to create an environment free from electronic distractions and to steer young individuals away from the constant influence of technology. The use of these electronic devices might prevent a child from bonding with fellow campers or lead them to overly rely on their parents.
So while there are very good reasons for a camp to adopt a “no electronics’ use” policy, it is important for parents to understand what everyday safety planning steps can be implemented. (The advent of cyber-bullying has added another reason for camps to limit use of electronics).

Parent's are allowed on campus for emergency purposes only - such as an ill or injured camper.
Yes, Cedarbrook offers a selection of lunch program options for all campers at an additional cost. We provide a tasty menu that alternates throughout the summer. Our "Weekly Lunch Program" provides meals for five (5) days at a cost of $40 per week. We also offer an "A la Carte" lunch program for $8 per day. This program allows campers to purchase the "lunch special of the day" or they can bring their own lunch for the day (reminder: Cedarbrook is a "peanut-free" zone!). A la Carte options must be purchased by 8:00 pm, on CampMinder, the night before.
Families with children who have life-threatening allergies can feel safe and comfortable at Cedarbrook Day Camp. We are well aware of the dangers and concerns with severe allergies and take our allergy policy and procedures very seriously!
- Our Process:
If your child requires an EpiPen at camp, we ask you to place the EpiPen in a clear plastic bag along with a head shot photo of your child with the name of your child on the outside of the bag. This bag (and any necessary instructions) should be presented to the Cedarbrook nurse during camper orientation or (if necessary) during check-in each morning. Upon sign-in in the morning of each camp day, the Leadership Team and Counselors take special note of our campers with allergies. We highly recommend that all EpiPens and any additional medication stay on location throughout the camp season or, at a minimum, throughout the week.
- Our Nut-Free & Allergen Alert Policy:
Cedarbrook Day Camp has a strict NUT FREE policy. Foods containing nuts are prohibited at Cedarbrook. During lunch breaks, to prevent contact with any food allergens, we inspect ALL campers lunch brought from home. To ensure that our campers with allergies have a safe lunch experience at camp, we ask that absolutely no peanuts or tree nuts be permitted at Cedarbrook.
Cedarbrook understands that, on occasion, you may need to pick up your camper early before the camp day ends. In this case, parents are asked to please inform the office or the front desk 3 hours (if possible) before an early pick-up. This allows communication to be sent to the counselors so that they can adjust the campers schedule as needed. Early pick-up can occur anytime during the day until 3:00pm.
We Discourage Early Pick-up between 3:00 and 4:00pm. During this time, campers are in the transitioning process; starting/ending activities, changing rooms/locations, participating in end-of-day wrap-up, etc., making it difficult to gather individual campers for dismissal after 3:00 pm. Except for emergencies, camp staff may not be available to gather campers for last minute, unplanned early dismissal. If, however, you must collect your camper during this time, be advised that there may be an extended wait time.
We provide a no-worry money back guarantee before May 15th, 2025. You may get a FULL REFUND for any reason prior to May 15th, 2025! - this does not include your $400 deposit after January 7th, 2025.